Autumn in (lower) New York...

The life and times of an aspiring fashionista living in the Lower East Side.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

CHANGE.... of all sorts.

So next week is fashion week, and my invites are slowly but surely coming in.... still waiting on Alexander Wang, I don't know what's up with that!

I am actually starting a new job tomorrow. Starting tomorrow I am no longer freelance, no longer a "stylist" (although I still want to pursue it in any way that I can on the side), no longer will I have the BEST SCHEDULE EVER. Tomorrow I will become an "Associate Press Account Manager" at a fashion PR agency. Yep, I start tomorrow.

With fashion week right around the corner, I will without a doubt be jumping straight into the deep water. Although this job doesn't have the schedule perks that the freelancing did, it does have a few benefits which include:
* Steady pay where as freelance of course is not as steady
* Insurance

ok, but did you hear about the CLOTHING ALLOWANCE?

Just checking.

In other news, Obama just gave his speech at the DNC. God, I hope he wins. He HAS to win. I don't really know what will happen to this country if another republican is elected for another 4 years.

Evan is at the DNC. It's kind of like his fashion week. Only it only comes around every 4 years. I wish I was there!

Friday, June 13, 2008


I found this AIM conversation blog worthy.

pinkerton843: what are you doing tomorrow?
pinkerton843: or today?
punkpREPster: ummm... not sure
punkpREPster: going to the gym
punkpREPster: what are you doing?
pinkerton843: i might go to the les to work for a while
pinkerton843: then i am going to my reading group at night
punkpREPster: ok
punkpREPster: call me
punkpREPster: teany?
pinkerton843: do you still like me?
punkpREPster: YESSS!
pinkerton843: i feel like you don't
punkpREPster: I love you!
punkpREPster: Are you serious?
pinkerton843: i think you hang out with me just out of habit
pinkerton843: yea
punkpREPster: awww
punkpREPster: Nick!
punkpREPster: NO!

pinkerton843: ok
punkpREPster: I do love you
pinkerton843: that's all i wanted to know
pinkerton843: thanks
pinkerton843: i love you too
punkpREPster: you've just been busy and I've been trying to figure out my life
pinkerton843: yeah
pinkerton843: i'm trying to figure out mine too
pinkerton843: it's a tough age we're in
punkpREPster: they say you find your self in college...and that may be true, but you also find KEY peices of yourself in post undergrad too
pinkerton843: i agree
pinkerton843: in just three years we will be the same age that kurt was when he killed himself
punkpREPster: ha! Well that's a refreshing thought. Thanks Nick!
pinkerton843: ;-) always here for inspiration
punkpREPster: I am totally blogging this convo
pinkerton843: please don't
punkpREPster: why?
punkpREPster: It's great
pinkerton843: it was meant for you only
punkpREPster: no one reads my blog anyway
punkpREPster: I bet you didn't even know I had one, did you?
pinkerton843: you're right
pinkerton843: i didn't
pinkerton843: what's the address?
pinkerton843: hey
pinkerton843: those are my imitation keds!
pinkerton843: i got new ones by the way
pinkerton843: except they are real keds
punkpREPster: you bought real keds?
pinkerton843: yes
pinkerton843: two pairs
punkpREPster: wow, big time spender
pinkerton843: four pairs of shoes in one day
punkpREPster: you're starting to sound like me!
pinkerton843: i spent only around 120 total
punkpREPster: Not bad at all

***Author's Note: Please don't judge us by our AIM screen names from highschool.


So have you ever been in a situation where you have a crush on two totally different guys(ie a banker and a hipster rocker)- but at the same time you happen to be in a long term relationship with someone that you absolutely love, care about, and respect?

Well I am in that situation--- kind of.

Let me be little less vague.

You see, I have lived in the lower east side for about 2 years now. We've got a good thing going. No, I'm not talking about BUYING in the les yet, but if things keep going well, I'd like to keep renting. I've kind of sort of met someone else though. Two other neighborhoods have caught my eye lately--- and they couldn't be more different from each other: The Upper East Side and Williamsburg.

Yes, I still love you, LES, but would it kill you to be just a little bit cleaner? No, no, no--- I'm not talking about the graffiti and other "art", I love that, but the actual trash can be a little too much at times. And what's up with all of your new friends from Queens and Jersey coming to visit on the weekends, huh? It's like I don't feel comfortable in my own home on the weekends! I can't walk to the deli on a Saturday night without running into limo or a bridesmaids party... I can't even have a drink at my favorite bar on Ludlow on a Friday without being accosted by some Queens diva on her SideKick 2.

Yes, I know you're great, LES. But the Upper East Side is just so clean and it doesn't wreak of Jersey trash on the weekends.

And yes, I love your uber-hip feel, LES, but Williamsburg has that too and it also has boys that don't take themselves too seriously.

What I'm trying to say is, maybe it's not you, it's me.

Let's try and stick this out just a little bit longer. We've gone through too much not to keep this going, right?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I have a new, weird, slightly embarrassing obsession...

I am sure the site that allows me to create such absurd things was designed with teen girls living in the suburbs... and Japanese girls obsessed with Japan Nylon or something.

Monday, April 07, 2008


We all make bad fashion choices sometimes.... Even yours truly is known to make the occasional screw up. Case in point- today.

This morning was one of those days when you just know it's going to be a great day. I woke up before my alarm clock went off (which NEVER happens) and I knew that Jamba Juice was giving away free breakfast today. I jumped out of bed with a spring in my step and hurried to throw my clothes on so I would make it to Jamba in time.

I thought at the time that my outfit choice was cute- a super long striped t-shirt from an ex-boyfriend that doubles as a mini dress on me, a brown turtleneck sweater, my new Kate Moss for Topshop creme tuxedo jacket that I am currently obsessed with (and I scored it at the Barneys warehouse sale for practically nothing), brown opaque tights, a pair of vintage cowboy boots from screaming mimis, and a equestrian inspired hat that Jordan gave me.

I checked myself out a few times in the mirror before running to the subway. While heading down East Broadway, I felt a few odd glances in my direction. With each step that I took, I noticed that my dress was riding up from super cute mini to on the verge of inappropriate mini.... Then it hit me, my look for the day resembled a Kit Deluca ensemble!

In case you don't quite get the Pretty Woman reference, I felt like a total tramp! All that was missing was Sunset Blvd and a
pair of thigh highs in place of my opaque tights.

Now, I know a lot of people in my industry loathe Forever 21, but on this particular day, I was happy for their existence! 20 bucks bought me a super cute (and more appropriate) dress that I wore on top of my turtleneck- and a piece of my dignity back!

Hmmm, I take that back, I guess the look was a bit more Vivian Ward....


So this weekend I had a bit of phone drama. (and OH the drama it was!)

Friday, Brittany and I decided to meet for "a drink" at one of my favorite neighborhood bars. We honestly thought we'd have some food, and maybe one drink, take it easy, and then possibly meet Jordan later that night. Apparently Brittany and I have no self control because aforementioned did NOT happen. The (possibly) good thing is that by the time 9PM rolled around, we were ready to go home and collapse. After Brittany jumped into a cab on the corner of Ludlow and Rivington, I thought it would be a great idea to stumble to the pizza place on Essex and get a slice of olive and mushroom pizza before going home. Somehow, this idea involved me going to the good old Maison Dixon line to use the restroom.... BAD IDEA.

After the pizza, I jumped into the taxi and made my way back to my humble abode ready to slip into bed and wake up early the next morning for a Saturday all to myself. As soon as I walked into my apartment, I just knew that my phone was NOT on me. I dumped my purse out frantically and started searching for my iPhone... and just as I suspected, it was not there. After freaking my room mates out, I ran out the door determined to re-trace my steps and find my phone. 3 places, many strange looks, and 2 sore legs later, my phone was officially missing.

Saturday I woke up in a panic... I HAD TO FIND MY PHONE! My head was swimming with all kinds of horrendous thoughts....


Saturday, I did some very extensive detective work. I went to all the places from the night before, all the pawn shops on Delancey, every sketchy "we sell DVDS and phones" places between Houston and Delancey and the response was pretty much all the same, "Girly, it sucks that you lost your phone, but you're NEVER finding that thing". With defeat I walked to the Apple store in SoHo sad but ready to fork over another $450 for the new phone. Yes, this is a ridiculous amount to pay for a PHONE of all things, but I was going to be in HUGE trouble if my dad found out. Oddly enough, all of the Apple stores in Manhattan were out of iPhones.


I went to ATT expecting the free old school flip phone that the Apple guy said I would get from them, but ALAS...

"We don't just GIVE you a PHONE when you lose your iPhone, yuo have to buy one. Why not just buy another iPhone?"
"The Apple store is out of phones."
"We sell them here now."
"Oh, really? Well... I mean, I don't know how I feel about buying another phone. My ex-boyfriend said that's dumb."
"He's your ex.. maybe he's dumb!"
"Yeah, ok, I guess I'll buy another one. But what if I find mine? Can I return it?"
"Yes, but that will never happen!"

As soon as I got home from my purchase my room mate sitting on the couch said, "I've got great news for you!!"


The next day I returned the phone (had to pay a re-stocking fee... but whatever.)

Thank god for honest people!

Moral of the story: Don't EVER go to Mason Dixon line. Ever.

Just kidding! The obvious moral is to be more responsible and I know that.

All in all, despite the phone drama, I had a wonderful weekend.

Ta-Ta for now!

Friday, April 04, 2008


On an uptown F train wondering the following:

1. Is my assisting day rate too low?

2. Is my skirt too short?

Thursday, April 03, 2008


Check it out: I keep forgetting to tell everyone that Cindy cut all of my hair in New Hampshire.

I quite like it. It feels good to have it short again.

In case you didn't know, it was very long before:


YESTERDAY I assisted Keegan on a Vogue features shoot. The subject was Jane Herman... apparently in addition to being a witty writer, she's super cute, but I guess we could have already assumed that... she works at Vogue.

LAST NIGHT I met Jordan for dinner and a drink at Blockheads in her neighborhood (Murray Hill). She filled me in on all the gossip about her new neighborhood crush, and quite frankly, I am jealous! All of my friends have these new spring flings, and comparatively, I feel like an old lady... a BORING old lady at that!

I thought I'd give myself a semi- break and not go to the gym or worry about waking up early. The thing about not waking up early is that I always end up feeling unproductive when I do it. Somehow, I tend to forget this the night before when I make a mental not to not set my alarm clock. So I slept in a little past noon and I woke up to all of these text messages and emails about work. It never ends...

I also had a few interesting texts from Kat telling me that she heard through the MYSPACE-GRAPEVINE that MY neighbor crush is looking for a room mate. I am so tempted to send Nick in under the false (well actually somewhat very true) pre-tenses that he is looking for a place...

Upon finding out that the crush has a room available, I texted YanSze to see if she was interested, but it's out of her price range... besides, what a creepster idea anyway, right?

After a few text convos with friends, I ended up organizing my room (boring, I know... but always a feat for me) And then ran around the LES doing a few personal errands.

ON A RANDOM NOTE I am very perplexed at the Cake Shop's new table service. There is a very pretty, amazon type (with tatoos) that now walks around to the tables fetching beers and mixed drinks. I must say that this service makes me nervous and almost makes me feel forced to buy more stuff (I am sure this is what they are going for), but I mean, can't I just pay a few bucks for my chai and stay here a few hours doing work on my computer without feeling like a homeless person who is not continuously buying a new coffee or partaking in the happy hour? PLEASE?


Wow, so i just looked at this thing, and it kindaaaaa sucks! I'm gonna try some new things out!

<3 Autumn

Thursday, September 27, 2007

MADE: I want to be a hipster

This is seriously the funniest thing I have seen in awhile! You have to watch the entire episode... even funnier!

and for the entire thing....
Part one:
Part two:
Part three:
Part four:

Trust me and watch all 4 parts, even though it's obviously a spoof, it will give you an idea of living in the LES.

Faran and Thomas and the rest of the people involved are genius!

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